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Saturday, 30 November 2013
Nokia 100 Ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Posted on 02:52 by Unknown
Problem:-Nokia 5250 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways J...Ringer Problem, Ringer not working, Low Ringer Voice, Ringer is not Ringing in Nokia 100, Tools:-Extra Ringer for diagnostic.Nokia Key T4 and T5 for disassemble.Electronics Cleaner for cleaning carbon or water damages.Hot air to dry the mother board.Solding Iron for applying jumpers.Solution & Diagnostics:-Disassemble the mobile phone and look at the mother board.If there is some...
Nokia 100 Not Charging Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Posted on 02:51 by Unknown
Problem:-Not Charging in Nokia 100, Charger Not Supported, Charger not working in Nokia 100, Fack charging. Tools:-Extra Charger for diagnostic.Nokia Key T4 and T5 for disassemble.Electronics Cleaner for cleaning carbon or water damages.Hot air to dry the mother board.Solding Iron for applying jumpers. Solution & Diagnostics:-Plugin charger pin into charging jack of nokia 100.If charger is not working and you do not see any error at Nokia 100...
Nokia 5800 memory card corrupted MMC problem solution
Posted on 02:50 by Unknown
Memory Card Problem in Nokia 5800 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this can see diagram bellow and do same steps as case of MMC Nokia 5800 will not be able to show Memory Card and will not be able play data in memory card.Nokia C2-08 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board solve memory card problem view all parts and tracks as given in diagram above.memory card tracks shown in different colors and you can see...
Nokia 5800 insert sim problem solution tested
Posted on 02:49 by Unknown
if you have insert sim problem in Nokia 5800 then it can be solve with a few steps that are written in this post.look at the diagram bellow and follow few steps that are givenin case of insert sim problem, no sim, invalid sim.Nokia 5250 volume up down not working solutionin first step check sim pints in mobile may be they are damage or corbon on it.then rub it and check.if problem can not be solved then after dis assambly of Nokia 5800...
Posted on 02:49 by Unknown
Nokia 5800 keypad is not working problem can be due to a few basic can be due to Keypad if you do not want to change keypad ic then you can apply these jumpers as given in diagram bellow.Nokia 5250 fake charging not save battery problem diagram above you can see different color lines so apply same jumpers to short keypad in NOKIA 5800 KEYPAD IC JUMPER,KEYPAD SOLUTION.if you have keypad ic then in you first preority change...
Nokia 5800 earpiece speaker problem solution tested
Posted on 02:48 by Unknown
earpiece speaker in Nokia 5800 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this post this problem we will not be able to hear incommingin voice from speaker.we can use loud speaker as temporary solve it permanantly use bellow diagram.Nokia 5800 earpiece speaker problem solution you can see in diagram above there are a few color lines that are defining tracks and parts that are used in speaker function in Nokia...
Nokia 5230 mic not working problem solution jumper ways
Posted on 02:47 by Unknown
if mic is not working in Nokia 5230 our voice can not be reached to destination mobile during voice call and we can not record audio recording in solve this mic problem in Nokia 5230 you can follow a few steps as given in post bellow.Nokia 5230 mic not working problem solution above diagram there are some different color lines which are to define tracks of mic and parts that are used in it.check these path with meter and if any...
Nokia 5230 memory card corrupted MMC problem solution
Posted on 02:46 by Unknown
Memory Card Problem in Nokia 5230 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this can see diagram bellow and do same steps as case of MMC Nokia 5230 will not be able to show Memory Card and will not be able play data in memory card.NOKIA 5230 Not Charging solution no response solve memory card problem view all parts and tracks as given in diagram above.memory card tracks shown in different colors and you can ...
Posted on 02:44 by Unknown
Nokia 5233 keypad is not working problem can be due to a few basic can be due to Keypad if you do not want to change keypad ic then you can apply these jumpers as given in diagram bellow.Nokia 5230 power switch button ways solution diagram above you can see different color lines so apply same jumpers to short keypad in NOKIA 5233 KEYPAD IC JUMPER,KEYPAD SOLUTION.if you have keypad ic then in you first preority change...
Nokia 5233 memory card corrupted MMC problem solution
Posted on 02:44 by Unknown
Memory Card Problem in Nokia 5233 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this can see diagram bellow and do same steps as case of MMC Nokia 5233 will not be able to show Memory Card and will not be able play data in memory solve memory card problem view all parts and tracks as given in diagram above.memory card tracks shown in different colors and you can see path easily.resold mmc ic and if not work replace...
Nokia 5233 insert sim problem solution tested
Posted on 02:42 by Unknown
if you have insert sim problem in Nokia 5233 then it can be solve with a few steps that are written in this post.look at the diagram bellow and follow few steps that are givenin case of insert sim problem, no sim, invalid first step check sim pints in mobile may be they are damage or corbon on it.then rub it and check.if problem can not be solved then after dis assambly of Nokia 5233 check all parts that are shown in above diagram...
Nokia 5233 charging not support solution tested
Posted on 02:39 by Unknown
if we plug in charger into Nokia 5233 charging jack and it shows charger not supported instead of saving can be fault of 47k resistance or some time it can be cause of in first step replace charger and if problem will not solve then dis assamble mobile phone.Nokia 5233 mic not working problem solution jumper...check whole board for rust carbon or water damage clean mother board and apply hot air so that it can be dry copmleet.then...
Nokia 5233 camera not working problem solution
Posted on 02:38 by Unknown
if Nokia 5233 camera is not working we can not take pictures and make video from Nokia 5233.for making video or taking snaps it is to much necery that we solve Nokia 5233 camera problem so that it can be used for taking snaps and photos.Nokia 5230 send key end key menu key not working solve Nokia 5233 camera switch button we can follow steps as given in above diagram.first remove camera from jack and check its points may they have some...
Nokia 5233 Touch Screen Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Posted on 02:37 by Unknown
this diagram is about touch screen problem in Nokia 5233. In case of touch screen problem we can not use any key and we can not manage keypad and mobile solve touch screen problem in Nokia 5233 you can follow a few steps as given bellow.Nokia 5800 volume up down not working solutionafter dis assambling of Nokia 5233 check touch screen jack on board if there is some carbon or water damage then clean it with electronics cleaner and...
Nokia X2 power button On Off switch not working ways jumpers
Posted on 02:36 by Unknown
If Nokia X2-00 keypad is not working, A few keys of Nokia X2-00 are not working, Keypad Hang and dubble values when press a single time. Or un proper keypad functions.Nokia 5230 Ringer Problem Solution jumpersIn all above cases and problem we can follow this post to solve Nokia X2-00 keypad problem in a few steps. If you press a single key and some other keys are also working it can be cause of water damages and rus, carbon. If you press keys...
Nokia X2 Insert Sim Problem Jumpers Solutions Ways
Posted on 02:35 by Unknown
Nokia X2-00 Insert Sim No Sim repairing solution.Nokia X2-00nInsert Sim No Sim Mobile Repair diagram pictures Service Tips and Tricks.Make Jumpers as shown in diagram or replace the shown components .Nokia asha 200 Battery Terminal Points Damage Ways...Nokia X2-00 Insert Sim CardSim Card ProblemSim Connector WaysInsert Sim CardSim Card ProblemSim Connector Ways Once you have dis assemble the mobile phone look at the whole board vary carefully. If...
Nokia 5233 earpiece speaker problem solution tested
Posted on 02:34 by Unknown
earpiece speaker in Nokia 5230 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this post this problem we will not be able to hear incommingin voice from speaker.we can use loud speaker as temporary solve it permanantly use bellow Asha 200 Camera Problem Solution Jumper you can see in diagram above there are a few color lines that are defining tracks and parts that are used in speaker function in Nokia...
Nokia 5233 camera key not working problem solution
Posted on 02:33 by Unknown
if Nokia 5233 camera key button is not working we can not take pictures and make video from external button of Nokia 5233.for making video or taking snaps it is to much necery that we solve Nokia 5233 camera key problem so that it can be used for taking snaps and photos.Nokia Asha 200 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers solve Nokia 5233 camera switch button we can follow steps as given in above diagram.first of all check camera key switch...
nokia 100 light problem solution
Posted on 02:32 by Unknown
If you have nokia 100 light problem and want to solve it you can solve the problem by following a few steps that are given in bellow diagram. For Nokia 100 light problem solution dis assambly the mobile phone and find out if there is some carbon.Nokia Asha 200 Keypad Not Working Ic Jumper Proble...If you find out water damages in it apply electronics cleaner and make it clean. With hot air make it dry and keep in mind do not apply much heat it...
nokia 100 charging problem solution
Posted on 02:31 by Unknown
nokia 100 charging problem solution is possible by following digram that is given bellow in this post. in this diagram you can see red and blue color lines.Nokia Asha 200 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Wa...Red line is a positive print so check these tracks and if missing apply jumpers as shown in diagram to repair nokia 100 not charging problem. blue lines is a ground 100 not charging problem solution can be done with these jumpers...
NOKIA 5800 Not Charging solution no response problem solution
Posted on 02:30 by Unknown
if we plug in charger into Nokia 5800 charging jack and it shows not charging instead of saving can be fault of charging jack or may be due to some parts.some time it can be cause of in first step replace charger and if problem will not solve then dis assemble mobile phone.Nokia Asha 200 MIC Jumper Ways Problem Solutioncheck whole board for rust carbon or water damage clean mother board and apply hot air so that it can be...
Nokia 5800 send key end key menu key not working jumper solution
Posted on 02:29 by Unknown
if in Nokia 5800 send key end key menu key not working then you can apply a few jumpers as solution.if push buttons are not working ok in Nokia 5800 they can be cause of menu send and receive button not working problem.Nokia Asha 200 Power Button On Off Switch Not Work...if these buttons or a few of them are not working then you can see above diagram and check all these parts and if any of them is missing then replace it.check whole path and if...
nokia 101 insert sim problem
Posted on 02:25 by Unknown
nokia 101 insert sim problem can be solve with a few steps that i am going to post in this post. you can also see a diagram to solve nokia 101 insert sim problem is given in this post.Nokia Asha 200 Ringer Problem Solution Ways Jumper...after dis assembly of nokia 101 look at the whole mother board if you find some burn or damage parts. may you find out carbon and rust in it. if you have carbon in it make the mother board clean and apply hot...
nokia 101 charging problem solution
Posted on 02:23 by Unknown
nokia 101 charging problem solution is possible by following digram that is given beelow in this post. in this diagram you can see red and blue color lines.Nokia 5250 Battery Terminal Points Damage Ways Pro...Red line is a positive print so check these tracks and if missing apply jumpers as shown in diagram to repair nokia 101 not charging problem. blue lines is a ground 101 not charging problem solution can be done with these jumpers...
nokia 101 not charging problem solution
Posted on 02:22 by Unknown
If you are facing not chargin problem in nokia 101 then this diagram will help you to solve nokia 101 not charging problem.Nokia 5250 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers WaysIf you plug in charging pin into nokia 101 and it show notification of not charging or charger not supported then change the component that is shown in above diagram.This IC is used to for nokia 101 not charging soluti...
Nokia 103 Lcd Ways Display Problem Solution
Posted on 02:21 by Unknown
this is a cellphone diagram to solve display problem in nokia 103.if you are facing white display no display or blank display problem in nokia 103 cellphone then you can solve this problem easily with this diagram that is attached with this post.Nokia 5250 Speaker Ere Peace Not Working Problem S...all links are defined with different colors so that can be identified easily by you.check all these links with electronics meter and if any of them...
Nokia 5230 Touch Screen Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Posted on 02:19 by Unknown
this diagram is about touch screen problem in Nokia 5230. In case of touch screen problem we can not use any key and we can not manage keypad and mobile solve touch screen problem in Nokia 5230 you can follow a few steps as given bellow.Nokia Asha 303 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers W...after dis assambling of Nokia 5230 check touch screen jack on board if there is some carbon or water damage then clean it with electronics cleaner...
Nokia 5230 camera key not working problem solution
Posted on 02:18 by Unknown
if Nokia 5230 camera key button is not working we can not take pictures and make video from external button of Nokia 5230.for making video or taking snaps it is to much necery that we solve Nokia 5230 camera key problem so that it can be used for taking snaps and photos.Nokia 3560 Restore Factory Hard Reset Remove solve Nokia 5230 camera switch button we can follow steps as given in above diagram.first of all check camera key switch button...
Nokia 5230 camera not working problem solution
Posted on 02:17 by Unknown
if Nokia 5230 camera is not working we can not take pictures and make video from Nokia 5230.for making video or taking snaps it is to much necery that we solve Nokia 5230 camera problem so that it can be used for taking snaps and 100 sim jumper 10000000000000%to solve Nokia 5230 camera switch button we can follow steps as given in above diagram.first remove camera from jack and check its points may they have some carbon or water damage...
Nokia 5230 charging not support solution tested
Posted on 02:16 by Unknown
if we plug in charger into Nokia 5230 charging jack and it shows charger not supported instead of saving can be fault of 47k resistance or some time it can be cause of in first step replace charger and if problem will not solve then dis assamble mobile phone.Nokia 110 No Power On with Battery Problem Solutio...check whole board for rust carbon or water damage clean mother board and apply hot air so that it can be dry copmleet.then...
Nokia 5230 earpiece speaker problem solution tested
Posted on 02:14 by Unknown
earpiece speaker in Nokia 5230 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this post this problem we will not be able to hear incommingin voice from speaker.we can use loud speaker as temporary solve it permanantly use bellow diagram.Nokia 111 Local Test Mode Problem Solution Jumper you can see in diagram above there are a few color lines that are defining tracks and parts that are used in speaker function in Nokia...
Nokia 5230 insert sim problem solution tested
Posted on 02:12 by Unknown
if you have insert sim problem in Nokia 5230 then it can be solve with a few steps that are written in this post.look at the diagram bellow and follow few steps that are givenin case of insert sim problem, no sim, invalid sim.Nokia 111 No Power On with Battery Problem first step check sim pints in mobile may be they are damage or corbon on it.then rub it and check.if problem can not be solved then after dis assambly of Nokia...
Posted on 02:10 by Unknown
Nokia 5230 keypad is not working problem can be due to a few basic can be due to Keypad if you do not want to change keypad ic then you can apply these jumpers as given in diagram bellow.Nokia 5800 insert sim problem solution testedin diagram above you can see different color lines so apply same jumpers to short keypad in NOKIA 5230 KEYPAD IC JUMPER,KEYPAD SOLUTION.if you have keypad ic then in you first preority change it.for...
Nokia X2 Not charging problem solution jumpers
Posted on 02:06 by Unknown
When you plugin charging pin into Nokia X2-00 charging jack. And it show notification not charging it can be fault of missing or non proper values of components. If there is nothing any notification then it can be fault of damage charging pin or damage parts.In above diagram you can see red line that is used for charging tracks. Once you find out these parts. Clean mother board with electronic cleaner and apply hot air to make it dry. Much heat...
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Nokia 105 Speker ok but no ringer working
Posted on 22:23 by Unknown
Nokia 105 Speker ok but no ringer working noika 105 not ring tone, ic ring 105, nokia 105 no ringer, nokia 105 tone ic solution, nokia105 ear ok but not ringing, nokia 105 not ringing solution, nokia 105 ringer i c jumper, ringing nokia 105 with out ic jumper nokia 105 ringer ic jumper , 105 no ringtone , nokia 105 no tones ,nokia 105 not ringing , nokia105 no ringtons , 105 no ring , nokia 105 not ring , jalur dering 105, 105 ringer ic, 105...
Nokia 5250 MIC Jumper Ways Problem Solution
Posted on 22:21 by Unknown
This is the Nokia solution for 5250 Mic, mouthpiece microphone is not a problem. The solution repair guide below simply shows the paths connecting the microphone to solve problems.Just follow a few simple tips on how we the microphone problem on Nokia phones Nokia 5250 to solve.Nokia 5250 mic microphone problem can be solve with a few steps that i am going to write here if you are facing no mic voice is going forward or low voice goes to destination...
Nokia Lumia 800 Restore Factory Hard Reset Format Phone
Posted on 22:20 by Unknown
If you have Nokia Lumia 800 problems and want to restore the smartphone then this post will help you to fix cellphone software problems. Due to software problem smartphone can hang, voice issues, data damages, camera stand by and blue tooth and wifi problems.It will remove all the data ,contacts and apps that you installedIn touch screen mobiles it can be software problem also if touch is not working well.To solve these problems try the following steps. Charge mobile phone battery, Make backup of your impotent contacts data and media files if possible...
Nokia C2-08 Full PCB Diagram Mother Board Layout.
Posted on 22:19 by Unknown
Nokia C2-08 Full PCB cellphone Diagram Mother Board Layout.Here is the cellphone diagram of Nokia C2-08 i will add some more cellphone diagram in high resolution so that you can add some more repairing trick for High ResolutionDownload High Resolution Diagram of Nokia C2-08Nokia C2-08 if you find some new repairing techniques please must email me and i will post that diagram with your reference in this way we all make it possible “REPAIRING...
Nokia 5250 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.
Posted on 22:19 by Unknown
if Memory Card MMC is not working proper in Nokia 5250 or having fault inset Memory Card or Memory Card is not inserted etc problem then here is diagramthat will help you to solve this issue all parts that are shown in diagram with blue lines and box are used in mmc function so resold these parts and if problem not solve then replace these parts it will help you to solve memory card problem in Nokia 5250. for more detail and new tips and tricks...
Nokia 5250 fake charging not save battery problem solution
Posted on 22:18 by Unknown
Nokia 5250 fake charging not save battery problem solution can be don with this diagram in it as a component is in red line you can check it clean this component and resold it if problem is not solved change the ic as indicated in picture. for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given...
Nokia 5250 volume up down not working solution
Posted on 22:17 by Unknown
if nokia 5250 volume up down not working then it’s solution can be as given in bellow diagram.volume keys are used to make it up and down speaker voice during call or during music and video solve key volume problems you can check a few parts and in above diagram buttons location can be found check these two voluem buttons and if any of them is not working or damage then replace it.if buttons are ok then black lines are defining...
Nokia 5800 earpiece speaker problem solution tested
Posted on 22:16 by Unknown
earpiece speaker in Nokia 5800 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this post this problem we will not be able to hear incommingin voice from speaker.we can use loud speaker as temporary solve it permanantly use bellow you can see in diagram above there are a few color lines that are defining tracks and parts that are used in speaker function in Nokia 5800.Change speaker and check speaker points on...
Nokia 5230 mic not working problem solution jumper ways
Posted on 22:15 by Unknown
if mic is not working in Nokia 5230 our voice can not be reached to destination mobile during voice call and we can not record audio recording in solve this mic problem in Nokia 5230 you can follow a few steps as given in post above diagram there are some different color lines which are to define tracks of mic and parts that are used in it.check these path with meter and if any of them is missing then apply jumpers as shown in...
NOKIA 5230 Not Charging solution no response problem solution
Posted on 22:14 by Unknown
if we plug in charger into Nokia 5230 charging jack and it shows not charging instead of saving can be fault of charging jack or may be due to some parts.some time it can be cause of in first step replace charger and if problem will not solve then dis assemble mobile phone.check whole board for rust carbon or water damage clean mother board and apply hot air so that it can be dry complete.positive link is shown with red...
Nokia 5230 power switch button ways solution power key not working
Posted on 22:13 by Unknown
if Nokia 5230 is dead and not getting power on it can be problem of Nokia 5230 power switch button ways solution Nokia 5230 power key not working.So to diagnostic this fault plug in charging pin into it if charging symbol shows on it but can not be switch on button is not solve power switch button power key in Nokia 5230 you can follow steps as given in above diagram.check power button prints points with meter if value is good then...
Nokia 5233 mic not working problem solution jumper ways
Posted on 22:12 by Unknown
if mic is not working in Nokia 5233 our voice can not be reached to destination mobile during voice call and we can not record audio recording in solve this mic problem in Nokia 5233 you can follow a few steps as given in post above diagram there are some different color lines which are to define tracks of mic and parts that are used in it.check these path with meter and if any of them is missing then apply jumpers as shown in ...
Nokia 5230 send key end key menu key not working jumper solution
Posted on 22:11 by Unknown
if in Nokia 5230 send key end key menu key not working then you can apply a few jumpers as solution.if push buttons are not working ok in Nokia 5230 they can be cause of menu send and receive button not working problem.if these buttons or a few of them are not working then you can see above diagram and check all these parts and if any of them is missing then replace it.check whole path and if any track is missing apply jumper as given in above...
Nokia 5800 volume up down not working solution
Posted on 22:10 by Unknown
if nokia 5800 volume up down not working then it’s solution can be as given in bellow diagram.volume keys are used to make it up and down speaker voice during call or during music and video solve key volume problems you can check a few parts and in above diagram buttons location can be found check these two voluem buttons and if any of them is not working or damage then replace it.if buttons are ok then black lines are...
Nokia asha 200 Battery Terminal Points Damage Ways Problem Solution
Posted on 22:09 by Unknown
Nokia Asha 200 Battery Terminal Points Damage Ways Problem Solution if in Nokia Asha 200 during changing battery terminal points you have loss battery points then you can solve this problem with this diagram bellow posted in this post.there are three different color lines in this post shows that how you can make jumpers so check these links with meter and if any of them is broken make these jumpers with insulation wire.this diagram can help...
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